Blogroll and Links

My list of sites and blogs on a number of topics. When I add one, it is because I read something thought-provoking or interesting there once. Does it mean I wholeheartedly endorse everything that the site has to say for now and ever? Of course not, silly. That would not be possible!

Sadly, the application that I used to keep track of my links ceased operation, so now I need to build it up again. I am missing some that were here before. Sigh. Stay tuned for more...

Pagan Parent Blogs & Links (many of these often address other interesting topics as well.)

Aoibheals Lair
Big Faery Daddy
Blade and Cauldron- A Frugal Family
Bringing Up Salamanders
Confessions of a Pagan Soccer Mom
Earth Mama Prime
Earth Mother Musings
Hearth and Home
Journey of a Pagan Mommy
Kids in Public Schools (Mrs. B tackles the law)
Living a Faerie Tale
Magical Mothering
Magickal Mommy
Mama's Thyme
Memoirs of a Crazy Witch
My Thoughts, They Spin Me Round
Our Little Acorn
The Pagan and Wiccan Parenting Page
Realm of the Green Witch
Reproductive Rites
The Spiritual Mother
Tales of a Kitchen Witch Mama
Unshakable Soul
Wiccan/Pagan Parenting  
Witchy Mama
Witchy Godmother
Witchvox Essays on Pagan Parenting
You Have a Pagan Student in Your School
Your Rights as a Pagan Parent

Resources for Pagan Kids, Educators, Homeschoolers, and Parents (Many homsechooling sites are evangelical Christian. Here I have noted whether the source is religious (and what type) or secular).

A Passion for Play
The Amazing Child (Steiner, Montessori, and Reggio inspired)
ABC and 123
Accidentally Homeschooling 
Adventures in Mamaland (Homeschooling, Jewish)
Art for Small Hands
The Artful Parent
Barking Frog Farm
Blog, She Wrote (Homeschooling Resources)
The Book Mama (Book Reviews)
Books 4 Learning
Broomstix (Pagan)
Buehler Education
Child Central Station
Coloring Book of Ancient Ireland 
Confessions of a Homeschooler (Christian homeschooler shares her curriculum and printables)
Confessions of an Organized Homeschool Mom
Cooking Wizardry for Kids (free to read online)
Copper Moon e-zine (Pagan)
Counting Coconuts (Montessori)
The Crafty Classroom (Secular)
The Crafty Crow
Discovery Days and Montessori Moments 
Enchanted Homeschooling Mom
Fairy Gardens Kids Stuff 
Filth Wizardry
Free Paper Toys 
Frugal Family Fun Blog
Gardening Wizardry for Kids (free to read online)
Getting Messy with Ms. Jessi
Gingerbread Grandma's Cauldron 
Guilt Free Homeschooling
Handbook of Nature Study 
Hip Homeschool Moms
Homegrown Families
Homeschool Creations (Christian)
Homeschool Mo
Homeschool Musings
Homeschool Review
I Learn I Read I Write
Imagination Soup 
Inspiration Surrounds Creativity Abounds
Irresistible Ideas for Play Based Learning
Itsy Bitsy Learners
The Joys of Home Educating
A Kids Herb Book (free to read online)
Kids in Public Schools (Mrs. B tackles the law)
The Kitchen Pantry Scientist
Learn at Every Turn
Let's Explore! 
Lightening Bug Literacy
Living Montessori Now
Mama Jenn (Homeschooling Resources)
Milk and Honey Mommy (Homeschooling)
Montessori Moments
Naturally Educational
Nature's Child eZine
New Moon (This is quite simply the BEST magazine for young girls)
Next Generation Homeschooler
No Time for Flashcards!
The Nurture Store 
Our Homeschool Reviews
Our Worldwide Classroom
Pagan Kids' Coloring Page
Pagan Moonbeams
The Pagan and Wiccan Parenting Page
Parent at the Helm
Phee McFaddell Coloring Pages
Pooka's Pages
Proud to be Pagan Kids (Lots of downloadable coloring books!)
Pumpkin Patch (Homeschooling)
Rights of Pagan and Wiccan Students
Secular Homeschool 
Smallworld at Home
Some Crafty Moms
Special Needs Homeschooling
Spiral Scouts
Sunflower Schoolhouse
Teach Preschool
Teaching Stars (Homeschool, secular)
Teens and Wicca (Legal, Family, and Safety Issues)
Teen Witch
Ten Things to Learn Besides Wicca
Tinker Lab
Under the Golden Apple Tree (Homeschooling, Christian)
The Unofficial Homeschooler
Wiccan/Pagan Parenting
Witchvox Teen Voices
The Work of Childhood
You Have a Pagan Student in Your School

Pagan/Witch/Polytheist/Other Religious Blogs

A World Unseen 
Aedicula Antinoi
The Alchemist's Garden
Alison Leigh Lilly 
Amrhan nam Bandia
Amused Grace
Archdruid Report
At the End of Desire
Bex's Hexes
Bones, Buried Treasures and Beliefs
By My Red Hand
Caer Fedwydd
Capital Witch
Charmed, I'm Sure
Confessions of a Modern Witch
The Conjure Blog
Cornish Traditional Witchcraft 
Creative Jewish Mom
Crooked and Hidden Ways
Deaf Pagan Crossroads
An Enlightened Heathen
Foundation for Shamanic Studies
From Jupiter
Full Circle
The Gods are Bored
Gypsy Magic
Happy Mothering
Happy Muslim Mama
Hedgewitch Inn
The Hermitage 
House of Vines
In the Service of the Queen
Ivy on the Path 
The Juggler (Pagan Pop Culture)
Just Another Pagan Blog
Katrina's Joy
Kenaz Filan
Kemet Today
Know Thyself
Kveller (Jewish Parenting and Living) 
Letter from Hardscrabble Creek
Letters from Gehenna
Lizzie's Logic
Lolo Diklo
Lover of Strife 
Mary K. Greer's Tarot Blog
Medusa Coils
Me vs. College
Mississippi Cunning and Conjure
Modern Jewish Mom 
My Craft and Sullen Art
Native Appropriations
Necropolis Now 
No Unsacred Place
The North West Passage
The Northern Path
One Witches Blog
One Witch's Wonderland
Pagan Godspell
Pagan + Politics
Pagan in Paradise
Pagan Writers Community 
Pagans Against Abuse
A Pagan's Blog (Gus diZerega) 
Patheos Pagan Portal
The Political Pagan
Practically Magic
Project Pagan Enough 
Property of a Lady
Quaker Pagan Reflections
Realm of a Green Witch
Rising From the Ashes
Root and Rock
Rue and Hyssop
Rune Soup
Searching for Imbas
Secret Life of an American Working Witch
The Serpent's Wisdom
Society of Diana 
The Society of Lucifer
Something Oddly
Song of the Old Wanderer
Sorita D'este 
Starhawk (Washington Post)
Strange Onion Peelings
Strategic Sorcery
The Teflon Cauldron
Theocracy Watch 
Tidings of Comfort and Joy
Topsy-Turvy Heathen
Tracks in the Witchwood
Traditional Witchcraft Forums
True Pagan Warrior
Views from the Cyberhenge
The Village Witch
Walking the Hedge
Wandering in the Woods with the Little Green Witch 
Warriors and Kin
What I Made Today
Whimsical Cottage
Wiccan Writes
The Wild Hunt
Witch Blog
Witch of Forest Grove
The Witches Voice
Witchvox RSS Feed
The Witching Hour
The Year of the Cats
You Call Me a Witch Like its a Bad Thing
You, Me, and Religion

Pagan/Witch/Polytheist/Religious Podcasts, TV, and Radio

A Darker Shade of Pagan Podcast (Music)
ATC Pagan Information Network
The CUUPS Podcast
Elemental Castings (Podcast by T. Thorn Coyle)
New World Witchery
Pagan Centered Podcast 
Pagan Podcasts listed on Witchvox 
Pagan Radio Network
Pagans Tonight Live Internet Radio
Proud Pagan Podcasters
Voices of the Temple 
The Wigglian Way
Witchtalk TV

Parenting Blogs (many of these often address other interesting topics as well.)

The Attached Mama
Bohemian Bowmans
Catholic Icing (Super Creative Inspirations for getting Kids involved in Spiritual Matters)
Cave Mother
Code Name: Mama
Confessions of an Aspergers Mom
Creative Jewish Mom 
Daddy and Me
Daddy Dialectic
Farm Natters 
Free Homeschooling 101
Free Range Kids
The Gypsy Mama
Happy Muslim Mama
Hobo Mama
Holistic Mama
Homeschool for Free
Informed Parenting
Job Description: Mommy
Large Family Mothering
Linda K. Wertheimer 
Mama Lewis and the Amazing Adventures of the Half Brained Baby
Modern Jewish Mom
The Mompetition
My Delicious Ambiguity
Natural Parents Network
Nine Davids
Offbeat Mama
Our Little Tongginator
Peaceful Parenting
PhD in Parenting
Proud Parenting
Raising Kvell
Raising My Boychick
Respect 4 Kids
Revolutionary Motherhood
Sage Femme blog
Sarah Hoffman: On Parenting a Boy Who is Different
Saving Penises
The Signing Mom
Single Dad Laughing
Some Random Mother
The Sparkling Martins
Sustainable Mothering
Taking Time
Things to Learn at Home
True Confessions of a Real Mommy
The Whole Network
Woman Uncensored
Zen Mama

Other Blogs of Interest (These tend to be my personal interests, manifest in other people's writings.)

A Muslim Child is Born
Aux Demilunes 
Five Green Acres
Foothill Home Companion
Green Man Ramblings
The Inadvertant Farmer
Lammas Ecovillages
The Man-Nurse Diaries
Mythic Imagination 
Natural Family Today
Never Was a Cornflake Girl
The Nourished Kitchen
Outlaw Midwives
Plant Journeys
Rue and Hyssop 
Sacred Hoop Magazine
Sage Femme Midwifery (my birth center and midwife- highly recommended!)
Spirit and Matter
Taking Steps
Tales of a Kitchen Herbwife
The Unnecesarean
Urban Homstead Diaries
What I Made Today 
Wild Ethics
Wolf Creek Community (Radical Faerie Sanctuary in Oregon)
Womanist Musings
Your Child Talking (all about speech development and acquisition)


  1. Hi there,

    I noticed you included my blog. I just wanted to say thank you!

  2. awesome blogs and website!! Blessings


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