I have numerous boards on
Pinterest- many boards on homeschool curricula, crafting, and DIY (separated into different boards based on subject) but one that I think is original and unique is my
Witchcraft DIY board. On it, I "pin" interesting skills and crafts that come in handy in ritual, for spells, and more.
What kinds of projects? Here are some examples from my Witchcraft DIY board:
How to make floral garlands |
Mead making 101 |
How to build an herb spiral |
Making a box from an orange peel: perfect for spells that you bury. |
Lughnasadh wreaths |
Elderflower Sun Cordial recipe |
Carving skulls from butternut squash |
Great way to make cords. |
Pinterest is a unique way of filing things- in addition to this photo, all of these crafts, tricks, tips, recipes, and such are linked to tutorial- so everyone can take part! If you are on Pinterest, be sure to follow me- I update my boards weekly.
Thank you for telling us what Pinterest is. No, am not mocking. Have seen it on this blog, of course, but had no interest in exploring it as I thought it may be another FB, and I try to limit the boards I see as I've been feeling scattered for a long time. *whew* (see?) But now, I will visit it.