Monday, October 3, 2011

October fun!

Now that I no longer own a business and am not paying rent, I have tons of time to spend with Rowan (and to implementing fun craft ideas). I have pinned tons of things on my Pinterest (feel free to follow me there!), including the pictures/ideas below. Here is what will fill fill my spare time in October!

1. Needlecraft
I am delighted to have some time in the evenings after Rowan goes to bed to embroider, cross stitch, knit, and crochet. I just finished my first cross stitch and am about to embark upon another (the "wild rumpus" scene from Maurice Sendak's Where the Wild Things Are, for Rowan's future room). I also plan on doing this hat for Rowan for the colder Ohio winters:

2. Nanny is making Rowan's costume for trick or treating (he will be an elephant this year), leaving me time for other Halloween/Samhain craftyness (like this):
Yes, that's a carved butternut squash. A squash that is now awesome!

3. Rowan is learning his colors and is starting to really love coloring. I bet he'll appreciate the tactile aspect of finger painting even more! I am going to be creating colored iced cubes for his bath fun time and making my own finger paints for him.

Do you DIY? What are you making these days?


  1. Where do you get the pattern for that hat!!?? My Dad has a beard and I am sure my nephew would love this so he can look like his Papa!! My daughters thought it was awesome when I showed them the picture :) Also the fingerpaint recipe looks so easy and fun! Thanks for sharing!!

  2. I found it on (that all-things-awesome site) etsy! They sell the pattern or the already made hat:

  3. Rowan is so cute. Tiffany

  4. Right now it is mum making season for homecoming! Here in texas, we make these ridiculous fake mum with ribbon hanging from them. The bigger the better! I have made some pretty cute ones :)

    I am also working on halloween party invites... glittered and glammed up!!


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