Friday, November 25, 2011

Buy Nothing Day

A women gets trampled in a "black friday" shopping spree.
What are we becoming, all in the name of profit?
I refuse to call today "Black Friday" and think of the whole constructed day as a horrible event that harkens back to Roman orgies. Expecting people to riot and fight over discounts over things that they do not even need is appalling to me.

I prefer to send a message of sustainability and reason by participating in Buy Nothing Day. Instead of spending the day in a florescent lighted, over-crowded mall, I spend it making memories with my family: baking cookies or making crafts with my son, playing in forts, and playing games with loved ones.

The winter holiday season is about gratitude and family* for most people, so the idea of Black Friday runs counter to what this season is supposed to be about. Instead, I encourage you to Buy Nothing.

*As well as the religious reasons. In my case, the turning of the Wheel of the Year.


  1. Amen. Mindful, paced, but enjoying, of life. Peace and tranquility. No pushing and shoving. No desperation.

  2. I totally agree with you. The time spent on "
    Gimme Gimme" Day (that's one of the names I give it, lol) I could be spending with my kids and boyfriend. I don't want to be one of the ones that get trampled literally to death. My dad's girlfriend was talking to me about it once, she does it every year and asked if I'd like to go one year. I politely turned her down. I don't want to be one of the ones that might possibly die because someone wanted a camera. I have two little girls to care for, after all.

  3. I couldn't agree more, and was dismayed to see less awareness of Buy Nothing Day in the blogosphere than in in previous years. Glad to see I'm not the only one with complete distaste for so-called Black Friday!!

  4. How was your day-after-Thanksgiving, folks? Ours was serene!


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