Thursday, September 23, 2010

New! Witch Mom Forums!

To the Forums!

I have received so many emails and comments from folks from all over and wanted to foster dialogue between all of you. It would be great if pagan parents and their allies could network and share information and resources- so let's make it happen!

I have created a forum for us to discuss pagan parenting, witchcraft, magick, and more- and I want to see you all there!

Eventually the blog, the forum, and a store will all be available at, but we are in the throes of remodeling right now. And eventually, the forums will be more attractive (and match the look of the blog) and have a live chat and such.

But in the meantime, I couldn't wait! So you can click here and go to the forums to register now.


  1. I am a Witch Heathen living in the bay area. Thank you for putting together a forum for the good of the little witches. I am looking forward to it. I have questions for other witch moms. Blessings and Hail!

  2. You are most welcome! Look forward to hearing from you on the forums!


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