Saturday, November 13, 2010

World Kindness Day

I discovered that today is World Kindness Day, and I am astonished that this is not a well known holiday in the United States. From the above website:
The idea behind the World Kindness Movement (WKM) crystallised at a conference in Tokyo in 1997 when the Small Kindness Movement of Japan brought together like-minded kindness movements from around the world. The WKM was officially launched in Singapore on 18 November 2000 at the 3rd WKM Conference. The mission of the WKM is to inspire individuals towards greater kindness and to connect nations to create a kinder world.
This is something we should all be celebrating! The world needs more kindness these days. It seems that more and more countries are officially adding this day to their national holidays and planning official activities that foster a culture of kindness. I can think of no better use of government, frankly. It seems all government in the United States wants to do domestically these days is increase polarity and contention among people, only emphasizing differences and exploiting those differences to invoke fear. And don't get me started on our foreign policy! We need more kindness.

Here's an official commercial from Singapore for this special day:

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this. Will pass it on to others as well.


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